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Instagram Marketing for Your Food Business
It’s no secret that social media has made it possible for people to share and engage with others and businesses like never before. People can “Like” statuses on Facebook or retweet one sentence comments on Twitter. For food establishments, the picture-sharing platform Instagram is a great way to market your menu items and overall brand. Today, we’ll go over some tips for using Instagram marketing for your food business.
Getting Started
When it comes to social media, remember that your food establishment is literally one of thousands. Searchability is key, and it starts with your account name. Make sure you choose a name that’s relevant, such as your business name. In your profile, make sure to include keywords related to your business.
It’s also important to integrate your Instagram account with your other social media accounts. The Instagram app allows you to posts your photo to Twitter and Facebook. If you have a website, make sure visitors can easily see and click to your social media accounts. Instagram’s website acts just like its mobile app.
Posting Images and Video
When you comment on your post, remember to use hashtags (#). These tag the photo with that term and make them searchable by all Instagram users. For example, if a restaurant posted a photo of their new happy hour cocktail, they could include #happyhour in their post. Visitors who search for this hashtag will now see the photo in the results. Though hashtags are the best way to grow your audience, try to stick to two or three per post. Too many hashtags distract from the photo and come off as spammy.
Instagram now has a video option that opens up more possibilities to your food business. You can do one question interviews with your staff, or give “backstage” tours of the kitchen or VIP areas. Please note that tagging works the same way as with photos.
Engage With Your Audience
You posted photos will receive two kinds of feedback, likes and comments. Photo likes are great, as they reflect positive interest in what you’ve been posting. If someone leaves a comment, reply! Even if someone just writes a simple “looks good,” replying shows that you’re genuinely interested in what they have to say.
Of course, you shouldn’t wait for users to reach out to you. If you post a photo of a new appetizer, ask for people’s opinion on its presentation. Better yet, ask for their suggestions on a name! If users keep on liking and commenting on your photo, you’ve likely identified a core fan of your food business. Contests are another great way to interact with your audience. Diners, for example, can ask their users to post photos of them in the diner with their favorite menu item. Prizes can include free drinks or private tours.
Instagram marketing is a great way to grow your food business’ brand and attract new customers. Building a large and loyal follower base will take time. Posting photos and videos that add value is key to having people follow your business. We at CiboWares understand the power of social media and wish you luck as you jump into the world of Instagram.